Carbocore, Inc.

    Country:  United States

    Business Type: Trading Company

  • Mr.carbocore
    Tel: 281-367-6833

  • Mobile:
  • Tel:281-367-6833
  • Fax:281-419-4974
  • Province/state:The Woodlands
  • City:The Woodlands
  • Street:P.O. Box 131508, The Woodlands
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    About us
  • Welcome To Our Site!

  • Dear Customer,

    Welcome to Carbocore. We are pleased to introduce several kinds of new specialty?chemicals for your needs of research and development. During last few years, we dedicated our scientific expertise and professionalism to serve the chemists by providing several challenging and sophisticated organic and organometallic synthons. Our relentless efforts and extraordinary teamwork earned us several business partners in scientific and industrial community. We thank all of your support and confidence in the quality of our products.

    Carbocore is committed to maintain quality and delivery?time. We keep our best efforts to apply novel chemistry for the process development which certainly helps to reduce the price of the product . This catalog represents only part of our capabilities and strengths. Our enthusiastic and experienced chemists are happy to undertake custom synthesis of various organic and organometallic products. Please call us for your special projects and requirements. We coordinate and discuss about the progress of work with you and also assist in your new research projects in a confidential manner.

    We appreciate your comments and suggestions about our service. Please send your comments to

    Prabhakar R.Nagavelli,PhD.

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